Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It's that time of year again!

2012 has already started out with a bang! Not a good one by the way. Eli had surgery December 30th and we've been recouperating. Caleb came down with a serious case of croup but is finally better. I've finally made it BACK to work and life hopefully will return somewhat to normal.

For those of you that follow my blog during Daniel Fast times, I'll be starting posts today and periodically putting up Daniel Fast information for you. You can also find past years' posts by looking up Daniel Fast on this blog or clicking on any December/January/February posts. Email me if you have difficulty! :)

Here is a great website that gives you Vegan/Vegetarian menus and information if you're just deciding to become a vegetarian or vegan eater. It's also great for Daniel Fast participants.

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